Monday, September 5, 2011

The Summer of a Region President

The summer of a region president can be very hectic without proper planning and time management.  Here are some things that should have been done this summer in preparation for Exec Boards and the upcoming year
  1. Get continuity from old RP. Every RP should have met with their outgoing RP at NATCON and received the continuity from them. If the exchange did not happen at NATCON then the RP should have tried to get in contact with the outgoing RP and pass down continuity in some other way. Some RPs couldn't get in contact with their old RPs so they had to get continuity from the National VP that she got from other regions with good continuity. 
  2. Talk to the National VP. She called all of the RPs and talked with them at the beginning of the summer. She asked for contact information and told them about Execs Boards. 
  3. Contact the Area CC/ARCOP. All RPs should have contacted their Arnold Air Society counterparts and their ARCOP. They need to work together to begin planning their ARCONs. They also should contact the ARCON staff to help with ARCON planning. 
  4. Begin to call all of the chapters in their region and get the contact information of the chapter and the staff at each chapter. Also, they need to collect all of the contact info for their region staff. That and the chapter info should be sent to National Staff.
  5. Also, while making calls to the chapter in the region, the RPs should find out which chapters want to be reactivated and also figure out other prospective chapters. Once those have been identified, they should notify the National Development officer so she can get the chapters started on the activation process. 
  6. They should have all received an email from the National Treasurer explaining the Region Budget. The projected budget is due Aug 1st. 
  7. The RPs all have an Exec Boards prep form from the National VP that needs to be filled out by Sept 1st. This includes contact information for the region/chapters, comments on joint relations in the chapters, and ARCONs. Also, with the prep form, a presentation must be given by each RP at Execs. This presentation should include a brief overview of each chapter’s status, ARCONs, and the region president’s goals. Both of these are due by Sept 1st. 

    Remember, your national staff is here to help!  If you know you will be out of town or extremely busy for a length of time, please let us know.  If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the national staff. 

    Thank you for all of your hard work!!!!